Here's a short article from the Pueblo Chieftain detailing some of the problems discussed but not solved at last week's annual meeting of the Colorado River Water Users Association. From the article, "Water managers from seven western states failed to reach agreement on a drought-management plan for the Colorado River in meetings that ended in Las Vegas on Friday. Instead, the managers agreed to sit down again several times next month in hopes of crafting a plan for the river's water supply in drought years that will meet a February federal deadline. Last year, Interior Department Secretary Gale Norton told those meeting at the yearly Colorado River Water Users Association they needed to come up with a plan or she would impose one developed by the federal government. The water officials from Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and California are trying to hammer out a deal that would allocate water from the river when flows are low and reservoirs can't supply normal amounts to each state."
Category: Colorado Water
6:20:03 AM