It looks like Horsetooth reservoir will make the 303d list, according to the Fort Collins Coloradoan. From the article, "Horsetooth Reservoir likely will make the state's sullied water list after Colorado water-quality commissioners gave preliminary approval to the listing Monday.
"The 6-3 vote supported recommendations from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the state Water Quality Control Division to put Horsetooth on the so-called 303(d) list.
"The agencies said the amount of oxygen in the water failed to meet state standards five of the past 10 years, including 2004 and 2005.
"When dissolved oxygen gets too low, fish or other aquatic life can die. A Colorado Division of Wildlife researcher said fish in the reservoir appeared unaffected by oxygen levels. The agency supported the listing to prevent future damage to aquatic life.
"The 303(d) list will be finalized in March...
"The listing triggers a process with the EPA to identify the cause of the problem and limit pollutants or events that contribute to it, if possible. Low dissolved oxygen in Horsetooth could be caused by natural or human events, including wastewater treatment plants or algae-filled pipelines and canals that bring water to Horsetooth."
Category: Colorado Water
6:05:41 AM