Scientists are tickled pink that the Casini probe has found strong evidence of water on Saturn's moon Enceladus, according to Space.com.
From the article, "Saturn's moon Enceladus may have pockets of liquid water lurking beneath its surface, feeding great jets that spew from the satellite and hinting at the possibility of a habitable environment, researchers said Thursday.
"Observations from the Cassini spacecraft currently studying Saturn and its myriad moons shows Enceladus, one of the brightest objects in the Solar System, to be a geologist's dream, with an active plume spewing water and other material spaceward, as well as a hot spot of thermal activity at its south pole...
"Enceladus' active nature points toward subsurface water reservoirs beneath its icy exterior, much like that believed to churn just under the surface of Jupiter's moon Europa, researchers said. But unlike Europa, which researchers believe harbors a vast ocean beneath kilometers of thick ice, Enceladus' water may be just below the surface...
"Cassini caught hard evidence of Enceladus' plume since last year, though scientists were unsure of what powers the jets of particles blowing into space. The moon is only the third other body in the Solar System - Earth, Jupiter's moon Io and possibly Neptune's moon Triton are the others - known to have active volcanic processes, researchers said.
"[Carolyn] Porco's team found evidence that the jets may erupt from buried pockets of water at temperatures above 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius) like a frigid geyser.
"The close proximity of water, rock and the south pole's thermal hot spot puts Enceladus on the list of possible harbors for biological activity, some researchers said.
"'You've got liquid water, and it's liquid water interfacing with rock...and there's energy,' NASA Cassini scientist Candice Hansen-Koharcheck told SPACE.com. 'We've got the very most basic ingredients here, and so that notches it up on the biological potential list.'"
Read the whole article - there are some great photos posted.
Category: Colorado Water
7:23:12 AM