Sunday, March 26, 2006

Here's the recap of last week's 4th World Water Forum. They write, "The 4th World Water Forum convened in Mexico City, Mexico from Thursday, 16 March to Wednesday, 22 March 2006. The Forum is the largest international event on freshwater, and seeks to enable multi-stakeholder participation and dialogue to influence water policy-making at a global level, in pursuit of sustainable development.
"The 4th Forum's main theme, 'Local actions for a global challenge,' was addressed through five framework themes: water for growth and development; implementing integrated water resources management (IWRM); water supply and sanitation for all; water management for food and the environment; and risk management. Over 200 thematic sessions were held, and almost 20,000 participants attended, representing governments, UN agencies, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academia, business and industry, indigenous groups, youth and the media.
"The Forum concluded with a Ministerial Conference on 21-22 March, with some 140 ministers and high-level officials gathering in both closed and open sessions, which included dialogues and roundtables on various aspects of water management. A Ministerial Declaration was adopted, calling for international action on water and sanitation issues."
Be sure to read the entire article.
Category: Colorado Water
8:59:06 AM

The Southern Ute tribe has asked the state of Colorado to issue a cease and desist order to the town of Bayfield alleging that the town is polluting the Lost Pinos River. From the article, "The Bayfield Sanitation District has exceeded discharge limits on several occasions, said Sam W. Maynes, lawyer for the tribe. The tribe's drinking water intake point is 1.2 miles downstream from Bayfield's sewage treatment plant discharge point. The plant is also at or exceeding capacity, he said...
"Bayfield Mayor James Harrmann said he just learned about the tribe's cease and desist request Friday. 'I'm concerned, yes, but I think it's too early to tell just what's coming down the pipe,' Harrmann said. 'I think it will be taken care of.' Harrmann said the tribe is not overreacting. 'I think their concerns are legit...'
"Bayfield is undergoing something of a growth spurt. According to state law, a sanitation district must start planning for a plant expansion when a facility reaches 80 percent of capacity. At 95 percent of capacity, the district must have started construction. Maynes said evidence indicates the district has done nothing more than orally plan for a plant expansion. Smith said the plant operates at 70 percent to 80 percent of capacity on average. There are times, he said, where capacity is lower, and other times when capacity is more than 90 percent because of high ground water. But the district is in full compliance with planning for a plant expansion, he said. Construction on an expansion is expected to start within a couple of months, Smith said."
Category: Colorado Water
8:25:29 AM

A vote on SB37 - Concerning the Adjucation of Recreation In-Channel Diversions, will not occur until the week of April 3rd, according to the Durango Herald. From the article, "Last-minute negotiations continue to delay a vote on water rights for kayak parks. The House agriculture committee heard debate on the bill in three hearings this week, but bill sponsor Rep. Kathleen Curry, D-Gunnison, said the vote won't come until the week of April 3. Legislators will be busy next week with the state budget. At issue is the 'call threshold,' which specifies that water will not be delivered unless at least 85 percent of the requested water is available. Sen. Jim Isgar, D-Hesperus, put the threshold into the bill to keep cities from asking for more water than they need.
The city of Durango has requested water to support a whitewater park in Smelter Rapid near Santa Rita Park. The city has asked for 185 cubic feet per second of Animas River water during some parts of the year and up to 1,400 cfs during the peak boating season - about 15 days in June."
Category: Colorado Water
8:01:26 AM
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John Orr.
Last update:
12/29/06; 11:23:52 AM.