Colorado Springs property owners will start paying fees to their new storm-water utility in October, according to the Colorado Springs Gazette. The city hopes to improve storm-water runoff facilities.
From the article, "Colorado Springs property owners will start paying for long-delayed storm-water improvements in October. The mini-utility will charge each city property owner a quarterly fee to pay for a $300 million backlog in storm-water maintenance and capital improvement projects, more than $60 million of it deemed critical. Ken Sampley, manager of the city's recently created storm-water enterprise, told the City Council on Monday that property owners will get two mailings this summer that will fill them in on what the enterprise will do and what it will cost them. The second mailing, sometime in August, will show the amount of impervious surfaces on each specific property and an estimate of what each property owner will pay when bills start going out in October. The fall billing will assess fees for the last quarter of 2006."
Category: Colorado Water
6:33:42 AM