Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Denver November 2006 Election

Will Mayor Hickenlooper run for governor? Peter Blake speculates in his column in today's Rocky Mountain News, that republicans could use the vote this May on the Denver Justice Center to convince him not to [April 6, 2005, "Blake: Jail a chance to trip Hick"]. Blake writes, "They could start by crawling improbably into bed with the social liberals who have been leading the opposition to the city's proposed justice center. And that, according to a story elsewhere in today's paper, is what they seem to be doing. The mayor has staked much of his considerable political capital on public approval of the $378 million project at the May 3 election. If it's turned down, as the last proposed jail was in 2001, it would slow if not stop his electoral momentum."

I didn't find the article Blake talks about in today's online addition.
5:48:34 AM    comment []

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