Sunday, May 1, 2005
Bob Beauprez is in the the 2006 race for governor, according to the Rocky Mountain News [April 30, 2005, "Beauprez prepares to enter '06 race for governor"]. From the article, "What little mystery remained about Rep. Bob Beauprez's plans to run for governor in 2006 evaporated Friday as the GOP congressman made it clear that he intends to enter the race. Beauprez stopped short of making a formal announcement, but confirmed that he is putting together a team for the campaign to succeed Gov. Bill Owens, who is term-limited."
Colorado Pols thinks that the Rocky is a bit late to the party.
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
7:09:20 AM
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Last update: 9/8/05; 10:52:20 PM.