Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Thursday, May 26, 2005

Colorado Pols: "House Minority Leader Joe Stengel intends to file an 'exploratory committee' for State Treasurer (never mind the State recognizes no such committee.)"

Political Wire: "A new Ipsos survey notes that more than half of blog readers believe blogs influence public opinion (68%), mainstream media (56%) and public policy (54%). Even among those who don't read blogs, three in ten (29%) believe blogs can change public perception of issues."

Here's a great post from Sandy Carmany. Ms. Carmany is a city councilwoman in Greensborough, North Carolina. Writing about the city budget she is able to state her views for all constituents to read. Not several clicks inside a traditional website. Right up front. Content refreshed often.

Thank to Ed Cone for the link.

Wall Street Journal: "The numbers of the blogosphere range widely. Are there 10 million blogs, or 32 million? Do a quarter of online Americans really read blogs, as one oft-cited survey found? And why do rankings of the most popular blogs vary so much?"

Political Wire: "All 27 members of the Democratic caucus of the Oregon House have agreed to blog together on a single blog."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election
11:57:26 AM    comment []

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