Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Thursday, April 7, 2005

Denver November 2006 Election

Mayor Hickenlooper has all but ruled out a run at governor, according to the Denver Post [April 7, 2005, "Mayor won't say never on governorship"]. The Post quotes the mayor yesterday, "I honestly don't think I'm going to run. I'm not looking at it. I'm not investigating it. I'm just focusing on running the city."

From the article, "Nineteen months before the November 2006 gubernatorial election, former Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter and Cherry Hills Village entrepreneur Rutt Bridges have made public their interest in seeking the Democratic nomination. Both have their liabilities. Ritter, who opposes abortion and declined to prosecute Denver cops in alleged police brutality cases, would be likely to face criticism from abortion-rights and minority groups. And Bridges, who never has served in public office, probably would face questions about his qualifications to govern the state. Other Democrats, such as House Speaker Andrew Romanoff and Senate President Joan Fitz-Gerald, also have been named as possible contenders."

Colorado Pols is in the middle of the draft Hickenlooper gang.

Update: Draft Hick writes, in the comments, "ColoradoPols is not in the middle of the Draft Hick gang. We have no idea who is behind ColoradoPols."

They were right to call me for what I wrote. I meant to say that Colorado Pols were also urging the Mayor to run, along with many others.
6:06:53 AM    comment []

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