Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Colorado Pols: "Congressman Bob Beauprez has received the endorsements of Governor Bill Owens and former Congressman Bob Schaffer in his run for governor in 2006."
Coyote Gulch wonders if Owens' endorsement will end up like his endorsement of the former Congressman, Schaeffer? 
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
7:03:31 PM
Rutt Bridges was hanging out in Southwestern Colorado over the weekend in his bid to succeed Bill Owens as Governor, according to the Cortez Journal. From the article, "Bridges suggested Colorado should consider water banking, a process used in Arizona that takes access flows and stores water in alluvial streambeds containing gravel. 'You can use these areas as mini-reservoirs,' he said. Water could be stored underground by injection, and in some cases parks could be built on storage beds or lands could be prosperous for livestock grazing, according to Bridges, who said the process would take place near high snow-melt regions. 'If you don't have a big snowpack, then you don't bank,' he said. Bridges said he 'unconditionally' favors referendums C and D on this year's ballot."
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:35:18 AM
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