Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Monday, July 18, 2005

David Harsanyi looks at the issue of abortion and how it is playing out for Bill Ritter and Rutt Bridges in his column in today's Denver Post [July 18, 2005, "Dem voters will have clear choice"]. He writes, "Democrats, on the other hand, fancy themselves the party of 'choice.' Which is true ... unless you happen to choose capitalism. So, how exactly do we define 'choice'? Does it mean allowing mothers to choose to terminate a pregnancy, but prohibiting mothers from choosing which school their kids can attend?"

Dan Haley suggests a couple of possible issues for November 2006 in his column in today's Denver Post [July 18, 2005, "Hot issues may shape '06 campaign"]. From the opinion piece, "Two very divisive issues - gay marriage and immigration - could be headed for Colorado's ballot in 2006. Not only will they stir up a lot of noise, they'll also help define the races for governor and Colorado's legislature. Republicans, with an eye on polling, think the issues will break in their favor. Voters in 11 states in 2004 decisively (often overwhelmingly) approved ballot measures banning gay marriage, and many pundits credit the initiatives with luring more conservative-minded voters to the polls to cast votes for President George W. Bush. (Bush won nine of the states, and increased his 2000 vote total by 12 million votes.) But the two explosive issues could backfire just as easily."

The Rocky Mountain News has a short roundup of fundraising news this morning [July 18, 2005, "War chests mounting for 2006 political races"].

Here's the coverage from the Rocky Mountain News [July 14, 2005, "Candidates for state, federal races release finance reports"]. From the article, "In the Democratic race for governor, Bill Ritter raised the most money last quarter, but Rutt Bridges raised more money per day after jumping into the race."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:20:57 AM    comment []

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