Mike Littwin has a roundup of the gubernatorial candidates and non-candidates in his column in today's Rocky Mountain News [November 7, 2005, "Littwin: Will Hickenlooper take a do-over?"]. He writes, "I don't want to say we should make this a rule, more like a guideline. But anyone willing to jump out of an airplane to get a referendum passed - and who survives the fall - ought to be considered for some kind of special dispensation. In the case of Jumpin' John Hickenlooper, who has repeatedly said he would not run for governor, that would mean a chance to perform a gubernatorial do-over. The question is, will he take the leap? What I know is, the world shifted on Tuesday when Referendum C passed. You can still feel the tectonic plates - not to mention Bob Beauprez's teeth - rattling. It wasn't just Hickenlooper who did an extraordinary thing. There were the voters themselves - who made a real investment in the future. Not in a slogan about the future, but in the real future. When you vote to take $3.7 billion out of your pockets, that is more than just upping the ante. That's the electoral equivalent of going all-in."
Mt. Virtus: "Mike has already given a thoughtful description of our meeting yesterday with Republican gubernatorial hopeful Marc Holtzman. (I'm sure Joshua has one forthcoming as well.) Holtzman and his campaign adviser Laura Teal graciously gave us more than an hour of their time and of the candidate's vision, passion, and optimism. The former president of the University of Denver & state technology secretary talked with facility and command about how to solve the budget's structural problems in creative and courageous ways. He shared his plan for strengthening the state[base ']s Republican Party structure. He has concrete ideas to address the current and looming issues of illegal immigration, eminent domain abuse, energy dependence, and public health management. He sought to distinguish himself from his GOP rival, Congressman Bob Beauprez, by making a case for his principled leadership."
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:27:47 AM