Bill Ritter's stance on abortion rights is the subject of this article from the Denver Post [November 14, 2005, "Some Dems seek alternative to abortion-rights foe Ritter"]. From the article, "In the two weeks since voters approved the budget measure Referendum C, many of Colorado's Democratic political players have been using their cellphones and meeting for breakfast to discuss one topic: Who should take on Bill Ritter for the party's gubernatorial nomination? At the same time, party activists have unsuccessfully tried to pressure Ritter into softening his faith-based stance against abortion rights to appeal to the party's more liberal base. 'I came to this position after years and years of thinking about it. It is where it is,' Ritter said. 'Regardless of my opinion, I respect Roe vs. Wade and would enforce those laws.' While the former Denver district attorney has all the makings of a formidable statewide candidate, his position has created controversy within a party that locally and nationally is struggling for more widespread appeal while maintaining staunch support for abortion rights."
Colorado Luis: "But that's not Colorado. Colorado voters identify as pro-choice over pro-life by a 61-34 margin. You might think this fact could make its way into an article about the choice issue and how it will play out in our governor's race against the backdrop of Bush's nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. I guess it is more important for the Post to promote the narrative that 'left wing' Democrats don't care about winning than to report facts."
Colorado Pols: "Some guy named John Turner has apparently decided to consider a run for State Treasurer in 2006."
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
12:19:28 PM