Coyote Gulch

August 2003
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 Tuesday, August 5, 2003
2003 November Election

Mayor Hickenlooper and several members of City Council are hoping to get approval from the voters on a Charter amendment to remove language that ties City worker pay to a salary survey. City workers that live in Denver will surely go to the polls but how about other voters?

Here's a story from the Rocky Mountain News [August 5, 2003, "Groups file for Nov. ballot"] about a couple of the ballot issues that voters will be asked to approve November 4th along with a table listing three possible ballot issues [August 5, 2003, "Possible Nov. 4 ballot issues"]. Denver's favorite Auditor may see the Gallagher Amendment modified along with video lottery terminals. Another hot issue will be the $2 Billion that the Govenor is requesting for water projects. That money'll be used to repair and improve existing dams instead of big new water projects. Exactly what projects would be funded is not clear. Here's a story on the issue from the Denver Post [August 5, 2003, "Gaming likely to get slot on ballot"].

Will the voters turnout for this election? Only around 30% elected Mayor Hickenlooper and the rest of the newly elected City officials.
5:30:27 AM