Updated: 4/6/03; 8:55:34 AM. |
On Deciding . . . Better log A news page for the philosophical action site, "On Deciding . . . Better" Static Site Progress:
#renderoutlinewith "pikeRenderer"
It seems that little line lets me publish a RadioUserland outline as HTML rendered with my Manila Wes: "I think evolution is over, because natural selection is over. Virtually everyone stays alive. I'm not complaining."
![]() Why do people conclude that if most people live to see all of their reproductive years that the population is at equilibrium? This map: "Average Annual Population Growth Rate, 1980-98 shows that most of Africa plus India are having greater reproductive success than the rest of the world. In any locality in the world, one could track the rise and fall of particular genes. The flight of those of European decent out of U.S. cities and the colonization of Tibet by the Chinese are two recent changes in local populations.
It's that phrase "Survival of the Fittest" that gave Darwinism an implicit sense of direction. Neodarwinism and modern population study has no such presumption of progress or superiority of successful populations. Reproductive success is the name of the game when having lots of copies of genes around is the goal. 10:09:37 PM My next step in learning Radio/Manila/Frontier has been to take the ODB template and copy it into BBEdit and learn how the basic HTML works. I then plan to create a static site with template in Radio. Expect progress reports here. 6:17:16 PM
![]() We will continue to host Disturbing Search Requests, for the forseeable future, Murphy-willing; and all other free UserLand-hosted Manila sites. We're considering whether we want to continue hosting Editors Only sites, there are a quite a few, but for the time-being we're not doing anything there. [Scripting News]
Good news for ODB. 6:10:52 PM ![]() I like the more focused ODB.
On Deciding . . . Better : Steps to a Definition of Systems Theory: "If we define a system as an connected set of elements with inputs and outputs then certainly everything is a system and a general theory of systems would be a theory of everything." 5:12:48 PM Google Watch
I'm periodically looking for this site to show up in a Google Search. The first post here was Jan 15th, but I don't think I linked to ODB until about a week later. Jumpgate Alwin is being indexed by Google, so I assume this site will be eventually. On Deciding . . . Better is scanned and cached frequently by Google. I assume it's the DMOZ listing that is responsible.
In a medium as fluid as the web, I feel resistant to change because I don't want to break things like that Google indexing of ODB. Changing the design of ODB is also something I've never wanted to play with because it seems I might never be able to restore it. I'm building layers, with ODBlog here and ODB as the public portal. 10:56:35 AM Using Mac OS X: "Troubleshooting
If you are using OS X, and need to access course materials for which there is no native OS X plugin or helper application available, you can try either of the following:"Yup, use a Mac Classic browser under OS X or reboot in OS 9. RealAudio remains a RealProblem 8:54:13 AM ![]() Flash 6 Public Beta [Via Daypop Top 40] [A Frog in the Valley, le weblog de Sylvain Carle] At last. One of the major inconveniences of OS X will be gone soon 8:37:51 AM