Updated: 5/6/02; 10:19:28 AM.
there is no spoon
there's a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path

Monday, March 11, 2002

We are not who we are.  9:56:36 AM      comment

radically correct: Cringely says that the problem with Micro$oft is Bill Gates: "The proper settlement with the Department of Justice ought to be none of what is currently on the table. The best settlement would be the total removal of Gates from Microsoft. While he is still there, nothing will really change. Remove him completely (force him to sell all his Microsoft stock) and over time, the problems will go away on their own." Now that's what I'd call a settlement!

digital video for $39.82? Here's how it went: I was checking out blogdex, especially the "about" pages and all, because, somehow, I just never really gave it much thought. It's trying to do something quite cool, and I'm pretty surprised I don't see more links to it/talk about it in the major blogs (like Dave Winer or Doc Searls). But there I was, and I saw that the MIT person who seems to be running it (Cameron Marlow?) had a link to his own blog, so there I went. And scrolling down just a bit, I came to this paean to a "matte blue kids video camera." And he said it only cost $30! and actually worked well, and he kindly linked to the tech specs (and now I'm basically recreating his post, but I want these links for my own archives, you know?), which told me it would do 4 minutes of digital video. For $30. Wow. So there I was. What would you do? I bought two. If you want one, Intel's store seems to be out of them, but CompUSA claims they ship in 48 hours. So what are you waiting for? Get one, already!

Just one problem, maybe. How will it work w/a Mac? :-)  7:24:58 AM      comment

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