Updated: 5/6/02; 10:19:29 AM.
there is no spoon
there's a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path

Thursday, March 14, 2002

OS Diversity Reduces Viruses' Effectiveness. Even Bill Gates is getting spooked about the problems that Microsoft has with security issues. I would suggest that the problem is not the result of incompetent or reckless programmers, or even of a corporate culture that values features over stability or security. No, the problem is market share. Microsoft has far too much of it. [osOpinion]

I've been saying this forever, and I'm sure I'm not alone...  10:34:15 PM      comment

whose government is it anyway? Bush and Co. are keeping way too many secrets, and David Corn (among others) is calling them on it: "Can Bush tell us why people won't openly trot into the Oval Office and talk honestly to the president? What are these would-be president's helpers scared of? One could argue Bush ought to be suspicious of receiving advice from anyone not willing to be seen entering the White House through the front door.

"There is a principle at stake. It just happens to be the opposite of what the Bush gang is pitching. Bush and Cheney are forgetting they are public servants. Their deliberations and decisions are public business. They work in a public facility (except, perhaps, when Cheney is in an undisclosed location). The presumption should be that they will reveal as much as possible to the public -- their bosses -- about what they do to earn their paychecks."

Why aren't people furious that Bush and Co. are running the federal government as if the United States was their kingdom rather than a democracy of which they happen to be members? Doesn't anyone else remember that whole "of, by, and for the people" business?  10:21:08 PM      comment

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