Updated: 5/6/02; 10:19:31 AM.
there is no spoon
there's a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path

Friday, March 29, 2002

finally: Today Dave Weinberger reviewed his own book -- Small Pieces, Loosely Joined. I just wanted to tell him that even though he thought it was lame, he had me at the first paragraph.  10:52:05 PM      comment

the other thing:Doc also points to this review of Lawrence Lessig's The Future of Ideas almost as if it were something new and earth-shattering. I feel the need to say I said so. I'm not sure why I feel the need, but....  10:51:57 PM      comment

oh really? Like the criminal caught robbing the c-store, I backed away from the blog warily but purposefully a few weeks ago. The blog was pointing a gun at me: write, surf, write, surf, write, surfsurfsurf, it demanded. I decided that "surf" is too similar to "serf," so I took a break. And really, I shouldn't be back now, but I just read Doc Searls say that Microsoft is really not about money and I have to say: bullshit. While I'll grant that there's ego involved, and that Gates and Co. would prefer to be regarded by the masses as "smart," the fact remains that the single measure of "success" in our country is money. That means if you want to be considered "smart" you have to make money. And if you want to be considered want to be considered "good" -- morally or in any other way -- you have to make money. Doc says as much in his piece. So put whatever veneer on it you'd like; in the end, Microsoft does what it does (which is to be ruthless, cruel, and anti-social) for one reason and one reason alone: to make the most money.  10:51:48 PM      comment

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