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Monday, May 19, 2003

There's a controversy about Google's inclusion of weblogs in their search results. Some of the complainers say that blog results aren't relavent. Phooey!

Here's some of my more popular search results that lead here:

"Timkin Museum" - "Squaw Peak Park" - "Raisinette" - "Girl with Glasses" - "Halogen Spectrum" - "Modern Painters" - "Paula Rego" - "Spectrum of Beryllium" - "Conte de Bregonzo" - "Dr Spencer Wells" - "CFM Shoes" - "Strontium Burning" - "Moca Downtown" - "Horseface" - "Sixty Baby Pictures"
Although 'Sixty', 'Baby' and 'Pictures' are keywords, there are actually no baby pictures here. But for the rest of them, I'd say they got what they were looking for, or at the very least, an annotated link. (Ok, maybe "Plump Gallery" searchers weren't looking for plump raisins in the gallery...)

All of these appear above the fold in a search. Occasionally a deeper search leads to this site. Like one searcher who was looking for "Bambi". The 637th result went to the Bambi's Shoes post from last year. The poor guy must've been desperate. I'll bet he met some chick named Bambi and was combing the net looking for her.

Ironically, he might well have been in the right place. My friend who modeled for the shoe shoot used to use Bambi as a pseudonym when she went clubbin'. And I know there's internet guys lookin' for her.

So as you can see, it's vitally important to keep weblogs searchable.

© Copyright 2003 by Chris Heilman.