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Wednesday, May 21, 2003

On a stroll through the blog-forest, I stopped by at Circant, where I found a post about entrances to Hell in England. Turns out there's a tourist industry surrounding these portals. Te amu, the active gateway shown here is in South London, and looks like a hole in a fence, but they all look different.

This is a far cry from the well marked, entrance that has been previously documented in the early fourteenth century. This drawing was made nearly two hundred years ago by Gustave Doré.

Given the new view of how entrances to Hell really look, I reviewed my own photographs. After comparing to these two British hell-holes, mine is obvious:

Something's going on here alright, because this hole is aimed right at this tree.

All my posts from the last couple of days have somehow reposted themselves, and I had to delete them manually. I don't get it.

Is this related to the 15th disappearing?

© Copyright 2003 by Chris Heilman.