PBS's new science miniseries, The Elegant Universe, which is narrated, and based on the 1999 book, by Columbia physicist Brian Greene (who doesn't look entirely unlike David Duchovny) is excellent. Informative, artistic and funny.
Demonstrating that the public network really does get it, the entire three hours of video are available in QuickTime (and RealVideo) format. Don't worry about clicking on the link, it's done in vid-bite sized chunks. I just finished the first hour (eight chunks) and I think I'll wait 'til tomorrow for the second. Oh yeah, it's on TV too.
Thanks to Anthony at Circant for the pointer to this gem.
Dave Winer took the Political Compass Test and came up left and libertarian. We all do, except for most of the Democratic presidential candidates. They come up right-wing authoritarians.
(Dave has, by the way, redesigned his site. It's cool.)
Incidentally, my employer has embraced blogging as a teaching tool. I'm attending the pilot meeting this afternoon where Alan Levine will show off his blog.
I may be gullible, but I'm sold on not selling any copyrights. (And yes, I've been asked.)