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Friday, June 10, 2005
Some dude on the Digital Photography Review Nikon forum had a problem with this blog. Well - he doesn't even consider it a blog, he said because he didn't like my Anne Bancroft eulogy (sez he wanted a comprehensive bio) but I'll bet it's because the font's too big. He also thought all you with links at the bottom are lame. Doesn't he realize that Dave Winer is bigger than John Lennon and Jesus? (Me too, but I swear I'm starting that diet on Monday!)

So Jules this is just for you...

You wouldn't believe the traffic today - I mean c'mon people LEARN HOW TO DRIVE!!! Speaking of rants, there is theis chick at work who just gets my goat. No special reason, I just need to vent - I mean, like, ya know?

Not only that, but well, I finally saw Sideways and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I can best describe it as a 'guy flick' done 'chick flick' style. You know, a couple of guys hanging out, getting in trouble, but there for each other when they needed it. Ok, so it stunk. The sex scene with Sandra Oh was worth the ticket price, K?

I just wrote a poem:
        There once was a poster named Jules
        Who thought that we were all fools.
        He doesn't show pix,
        But I'll bet he licks dix.
        Damn, now he thinks we're all ghouls.

Anything else? Oh yeah I talked with my friends and bought a new pair of water socks and then I got like, TWELVE pairs of regular socks. Not just any socks, but those kind that just barely cover your ankle. Anything taller and it pushes the hairs on my calves down, which hurts later, when I take them off.

I thik I'll do a poll. How many of you guys take off your socks and put them right into the dirty clothes, vs just dropping them where you took them off. The theory being, they smell bad and may just be slimy. I'd rather let 'em stiffen up for a while before touching them with my hands. I gotta pick my ...

You get the idea. There Jules, is that better? Am I a real blogger now? Oh golly, I hope you think so... (dreamy smile followed by sarcastic sneer and eye roll.)

Cause the thing about a blog, Jules, is that I get to slam yer ass here on the front page, but all you can do is leave me a pithy comment. Go ahead, make my day.



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