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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Sexy Magic's Julie has tagged me to answer a bunch of question about music:

1) Total Size of Music Files on My Computer: Five and a half gigs, 5,476,110,173 bytes. 1424 songs lasting 3.7 days (and of course they are all legal copies!)

2) The Last CD I Bought Was: The last real (ie plastic round thing) was the De Lovely soundtrack. The last CD I dl'ed was The Gorillaz' Demon Days which I got yesterday.

3) Song Playing Right Now on my iFruit: I'm pretty sure 'iFriut' is generic slang for iPod. I don't have one, but then I don't have a cell phone either. Ok, call me a Luddite. I do however, have a 6 CD player in my car, and I mix my own CDs. So they are

1: Gorillaz Mix (mostly Demon Days and G-Sides)
2: Enigma's MCMX ... whatever it's called
3: Sampled Music Mix ("illegal" music)
4: Smashmouth (I play 'Pacific Coast Party' whenever I reach the PCH)
5: Smashing Pumkins' entire 5 disc Bullets with Butterfly Wings set condensed onto one CD
6: Björk's Greatest Hits.
The last song playing was the first one on #6.

4) Top five albums:

1: Pink Floyd's Meddle
2: Beethovan's 9th Symphony feat. Leonard Bernstein & the NY Philharmonic
3: Dr. Dre's 2001
4: Frank Black's Teenager of the Year
5: Leonard Cohen's I'm Your Man

5) Five Songs That Mean a Lot to Me (1 per artist):

1: Willie Nelson's Crazy
2: Marshall Mathers's (I'm gonna) Kill You
3: Outkast's Liberation
4: Vince Guaraldi's Linus and Lucy
5: Robert Preston & the cast from The Music Man - Trouble in River City
That was kind of arbitrary, ask me another day and I'll give you 5 different songs.

6) Recent discoveries?

1: William Shatner's Has Been
2: The Streets A Grand Don't Come for Free
3: The Gorillaz Demon Days
4: Diana Krall's Love Scenes

7) Who's next? (1972, The Who) I'll point to the following bloggers at random from the list at the bottom of the page:

1: Andy Curtis
2: Julius Welby
3: Marie Carnes
4: kara
No pressure now.



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