Updated: 9/1/2002; 6:57:26 PM.
Saturday, July 13, 2002 |
David Watson: If I use the session support described here is this broadly interoperable to non-java SOAP clients? Cookies may work, but they are guaranteed to be supported everywhere. User defined SOAP headers are part of the spec, so are likely to be more interoperable.
5:01:55 AM
Simon Fell: SOAP 1.2 changes the content-type from text/xml to application/soap+xml, unfortuantly this doesn't play well with the new GET binding, IE now prompts me to save/open the file, rather than just displaying the XML, this makes testing the GET binding from a browser a pain. Try HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTMIMEDatabaseContent Type ? Otherwise, this draft suggests where to send feedback.
4:48:38 AM