Clemens Vasters: From harumpf: A sign of disgust or impatience. I guess that somehow conveys that Sam Ruby deeply disagrees with me on this. Update: Reading Sam's Copying with Change, I realized that I didn't think of mentioning well-defined extensibility points (xsd:any) among all the well-definedness that I ask for. Added rule 3(b) Treat is as a sign of mock disgust. 3(b) is an excellent start. Note that while ASP.NET will fault when messages from unknown namespaces come in, the default and recommended way to configure Axis ignores namespaces of the first child element of the body for purpose of dispatch. I have no problem with conventions established between consenting adults in the privacy of their own intra-net, but designing a set of public recommendations based on the way one vendor's toolkit happens to enforce SOAP semantics is quite another thing. Meanwhile, progress on the full essay is coming along nicely. I may not be complete today, however, too many distractions here in San Diego. [updates in bold]
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