Venezuela : News about my country
Updated: 10/19/05; 9:03:18 PM.


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Sunday, October 2, 2005

I don't understand why this info about the truth of the days and times of Salvador Allende hasn't gotten more airplay here and in the US. I have some questions over it, like, did Pinochet know this at the time. It seems to me that this theory should have been more convenient if someone even thought about it. Both the suicide and the fighting theory sound fishy too and the fact that it was Fidel who made up the fighting theory of the death of Allende, leads credence in my mind to this theory. Salvador Allende was murdered, on Fidel's command, like Che Guevara, when he wanted to avoid the death of himself. Fidel had no problem killing him and fuelling the death of thousands of people in latin america. That's the kind of cold blooded killer he is... Chavez look out! If you stray from the path Fidel traces you could be next.
10:28:10 AM  What do you think? ( Thoughts) Who linked? []   

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