Venezuela : News about my country
Updated: 10/19/05; 9:03:28 PM.


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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Venezuelan Thrives on Seeing Threats From 'Mr. Danger'. President Hugo Chávez's most pressing concern seems to be what he sees as a plan by the Bush administration to kill him. By JUAN FORERO. [NYT > Home Page]
We have heard statements like those Chavez made before, not only from Castro, but also from Saddam and Noriega... Venezuela will lose a war with almost any country, no need for the US to invade. The lucky thing is nobody wants to invade us. But lies are the saviour of certain renown figures. Look ar Osama and his crew... So much propaganda for suicide and how it conduces to salvation, but they seem to be unwilling to save themselves by suicide... They just send others... Selflessness or cowardice?
8:56:27 AM  What do you think? ( Thoughts) Who linked? []   

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