Venezuela : News about my country
Updated: 10/19/05; 9:03:23 PM.


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Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Tim Bray from ongoing points to an essay by esr on Suicidalism, Tim criticizes the essay and qualifies esr as nut. I, for one, do not agree. I think esr has a point with that essay. A point brought forth by the Saudi Arabian women telling the US envoy, they are not oppressed, they are happy as they are, they don't want to drive. If there were a country were not a single woman wanted to drive, that would be fine with me, but that country wouldn't need a law forbidding women to drive, would it? The flaw in the Arabian women argument is the lack of choice. If one woman wanted to drive, even just one, she should be able to. That's the content of freedom. Not imposing your own decisions on someone else. Chavez has used Suicidalism quite effectively in Venezuela...
4:19:22 PM  What do you think? ( Thoughts) Who linked? []   

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