Updated: 3/3/2005; 6:32:44 PM.
Bruce Landon's Weblog for Students
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Saturday, February 12, 2005

Flipping the Question:"Why DON'T Academics Blog?".

Liz Lawly recently shared a great collection of edublogger's explanations for why they blog:

I keep getting asked this question by colleagues here at RIT and elsewhere, and I find myself sending them the same links over and over again. So here’s what I give people who ask me this, in an attempt to clarify the value of blogging to those of us in academia. It’s not all about personal confessionals. Really.

These are great, useful, but in a way, like asking devout Apple users "Why they use a Mac?" I am curious about the flip side, why academics do NOT blog, what keeps them from it, what are the barriers, perceived or real?

I've been musing on this for a while, as I have created blogs for teachers and techies in our system that have various life spans from weeks to months. It is also curious in light of interests in our system in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), sprouting from the Carnegie Foundation's movement-- where a central tenet is being "public with our work as scholarly teachers" -- what could be more than public than a blog?

And while the buzz is high among edu-techies for electronic portfolios, the prospect of an easy to use, comprehensive, portable, enterprise life long tool is on the 8 to never year horizon (don't bark back about the ones in existence, I know about them, I know about the successful systems in place, but they are not near mainstream). So you can sit back and wait for the perfect tool or do something NOW which can catalog your accomplishments, projects, reflections, artifacts -- a blog.

Following is mostly my own conjecture and speculation on why the blog updatke is slow, and is part of a later to be summary of how our faculty leaders are doing with using the blogs+wikis+discussion boards to document our Ocotillo project.

9:14:26 AM      Google It!.

WritTorrent: DropTorrent 1.0: Drag & Drop .Torrent Creation [Edubloggers Links Feed]
9:10:27 AM      Google It!.

Apple Decides to Split Stock. Apple Computer, whose shares have more than tripled in value in the last year, approved a 2-for-1 stock split on Friday. By By THE NEW YORK TIMES. [NYT > Technology]
8:56:01 AM      Google It!.

Eyetools Research Blog. eye tracks websites including his own blog By edtechdev. [Edubloggers Links Feed]
8:52:00 AM      Google It!.

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