Updated: 29/11/2002; 7:57:52 AM.
Victor Echo Zulu
A city slicker moves to the bush

Wednesday, 14 August 2002

The old house roof becomes the new chook shed roofChooks 2 - Work is progressing slowly on the new chook shed. Yesterday I took the old David Brown tractor up the back paddock to retreive a large section of roof. This piece of roof, which measures 5m x 4m, was blown off the house we are living in  about a year ago in a cyclone. It was ripped off the house, picked up like a playing card and sent spinning over 500m away to rest in the grass. If you look closely in the picture you can just make out the house in the background. It's a long way.

In the storm two sheep were killed by flying debree from the house. Two ceiling fans are still stuck up trees someplace. It's a miracle no-one was decapitated.

In another piece of country ingenuity I worked out a way to tow the roof back to the house paddock. First I broke off a 2 m x 4m section and put it on the trailor I was towing with the tractor. Then Sue and I lifted the other piece of roofing - which incidently was VERY heavy up in the air and used a couple of peices of timber to prop it in a near verticle state.

The ideas was to back the tractor and trailer up to the verticle roof and let it fall on the trailer. Bingo.

Unfortunately the wind sprang up - and just as I had the tractor in postiion it blew over backwards, resulting in a little verbal tirade and some more grunting and sweating to lift it back up and let it fall back down on the trailer.

6:48:35 PM    Comments ()  

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