Updated: 29/11/2002; 7:57:39 AM.
Victor Echo Zulu
A city slicker moves to the bush

Saturday, 17 August 2002

Screen shot showing solitaire score of 16207 in 45 seconds

Microsoft Solitaire High Score - Just for the record, my new high score is 16207 in 45 seconds. If you play solitaire, check out the unofficial Solitaire High Score register in my weblog.

In an interview with myself I said the following "I didn't think this would be the one that popped 16k. Really I didn't. It just started off kinda normal like, and then cards were just going everywhere. I was driven - like a machine. When I finished I looked at the keyboard and there was a pale grey ash over some of the keys and the smell of smoke in the air. Amazing"

Me: What spurred you on to take up the 16k challenge?

Me: It's that Rhonda. She just is getting better and better and faster and faster. This morning I read about her 15852 in 46 seconds and I was so happy and so sad at the same time. How could she be so fast - and why wasn't I? So I says to meself "You can do it" and wadda ya know I could!

1:31:33 PM    Comments ()  

Bearded DragonWildlife - The kids found a bearded dragon today. The little fellow was all but completely camouflaged in the dead grass. 11:31:57 AM    Comments ()  

Bearded DragonWounded - A little unlucky today. Whilst working on the chookshed I managed to make a nice slice in my right forearm [see inset] on a piece of the sheetmetal we're using for the roof. Then to make things even worse I stuck and scrapped a rusty nail from the roof into my left hand. That one stings a bit.

Fortunately I had a tetanus injection only 18 months age when I went on a missions trip to Thailand. Hopefully I won't get lock jaw - or lock palm for that matter.

Work is progressing on the chook shed though - wounds and all. We've sunk another three posts to suppor the roof. Haven't really thought through how we're going to get the roof on the posts yet. It's really very heavy!

11:18:12 AM    Comments ()  

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