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Wednesday, September 03, 2003


AMR Research, 9/2/03:  Consulting Service Firms Shift to Outsourcing

Lance Travis

The days of high-cost, long-term consulting contracts are fading as IT departments devote their dollars to projects that can be implemented quickly with positive ROI in months rather than years.  The result is that major consulting firms are shifting toward outsourcing and away from consulting.


Patch Management

Computerworld, 9/2/03:  Users Turn to Automated Patch Management Tools

Blaster, other worms highlight need for protection

Story by Jaikumar Vijayan

SEPTEMBER 01, 2003 ( COMPUTERWORLD ) - Hoping to better protect themselves against escalating security threats such as the W32.Blaster worm, user companies are taking a fresh look at automated patch management technologies.

These products, which are available from a growing number of vendors, help users look for new patches, scan their networks for vulnerable systems and automatically distribute the appropriate patches when required. But they don't lessen the need for companies to thoroughly test patches before deploying them on their networks, users said.



C|net, 9/3/03:  Calling out Microsoft on spam

By Alorie Gilbert and Paul Festa

Debra Bowen may hail from a Southern California coastal enclave a few hundred miles south of Silicon Valley, but that's just the right distance from which to lob a few bombs at the Redmond, Wash.-based software company.

The Redondo Beach state senator thinks Microsoft has a bad attitude when it comes to spam.


Burning Man

Wired News, 9/2/03:  Burning Man '03 Ashes, Dust 

By Xeni Jardin

BLACK ROCK CITY, Nevada -- The dry Nevada lake bed known as Black Rock City will soon be empty. Art cars, tent encampments and elaborate interactive art installations have been hauled away from the remote site. The dusty canvas on which the annual Burning Man festival takes place will once again return to its naturally desolate state.

A record crowd, estimated at 30,500, attended the weeklong festival, which culminated with the traditional torching of a 70-foot-high pyramid-and-effigy structure.


7:55:09 AM    

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