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Wednesday, September 10, 2003

IT Management

eWeek, 9/9/03:  Intel's Barrett: IT's Still Alive

By Matt Hicks

SAN FRANCISCO—The report of IT's death was an exaggeration; so says Intel Corp. CEO Craig Barrett.

Sending a message resembling author Mark Twain's famous quote, Barrett speaking here at OracleWorld sought to refute the premise of the recent Harvard Business Review article "IT Doesn't Matter," by Nicholas Carr.


Giga, 8/28/03:  The Balanced Scorecard — Metrics That Count

Craig Symons

We have seen Kaplan and Norton’s Balanced Scorecard (BSC) approach to measurement and management gain traction in many of our client organizations, and we have published research on adapting the BSC for IT.

However, the BSC is not a metrics reporting system; it is a measurement (where are we) and management (how do we get better) system. Our ongoing research reveals that while many have attempted to implement the BSC, few have succeeded to the point where it is having a significant impact on their operations. In analyzing those failed efforts, the number one cause was poor metrics selection.



eWeek, 9/9/03:  Top Security Pros to Talk Worm Defense

By Dennis Fisher

A group of high-powered security experts and industry executives will be in Washington Wednesday, testifying before a Congressional committee looking into ways to bolster the nation's defenses against threats such as worms and viruses.


Infoworld, 9/9/03:  Sobig's success prompts calls for secure e-mail

Technology used to route e-mail from one user to another comes under fire

By Paul Roberts, IDG News Service

Even seasoned antivirus experts hadn't seen anything like the Sobig-F e-mail worm: Within hours of its release on Aug. 19, it created a million copies of itself and was spreading worldwide, shattering speed records set by earlier viruses.

In the wake of the attack, security experts uniformly credited the worm's sophisticated design for much of its success. However, the sheer magnitude of Sobig's attack led to questions about whether the Internet's current e-mail infrastructure is making things too easy for virus writers and spammers.



Computerworld, 9/8/03:  Capital One's Approach to Agility

Story by Julia King

SEPTEMBER 08, 2003 ( COMPUTERWORLD ) - "If you want agility," advises Capital One CTO Roy Lowrance, "don't start with technology. Start with the company culture, then force technology and the company culture to work in harmony."

That's the way the strategic technology group within Capital One's IT organization assesses the potential of all new technologies.



Internetnews, 9/9/03: Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003 Arrives

By Clint Boulton

Microsoft (Quote, Company Info) Wednesday rolled out its highly-anticipated storage server to a raft of products from vendors seeking to offer their customers network-attached storage (define) devices with software from the leading operating system maker.

Windows Storage Server 2003 is now generally available from Dell, EMC, Fujitsu Siemens Computers, HP, INLINE, Iomega, MaXXan Systems and NEC Corp. The Redmond, Wash. software giant made the roll-out an event at the Storage Decisions 2003 conference in Chicago.


Microsoft Developer Network, Chat Session, 9/28/03:  Networking in the Windows Server 2003 SDK

Chat Date: July 30, 2003

Chat Participants:

Anthony, Test Lead for the Winsock API

John, Editor on the Platform SDK

Doug, Programmer/Writer for Network Management, SNMB, P2P, and Live Communications Server

Janet, Editor on the Platform SDK

John Buscher, Windows Server MVP lead


9:06:12 AM    

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