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Friday, July 02, 2004

IT Management

Gartner, 6/29/04:  Demands for Business Growth Make CIOs Reallocate Their Time

IT leaders face new challenges as they focus on getting business value from their systems, and on creating growth.  Gartner's typology of IT leadership helps CIOs review their roles and how they spend their time.


Gartner, 6/28/04:  Hype Cycle for PC Technologies, 2004

The cost of succumbing to PC hype is constant churn in the installed base with higher system image and support costs.


Gartner, 6/30/04:  Moving From Manager to Leader

In an era of new market realities, prospective IT leaders need to focus on setting a clear direction, aligning with the business and motivating staff.


Gartner, 6/25/04: Sarbanes-Oxley Poses Major Questions for MSBs

Compliance with financial transparency legislation is not just for multibillion-dollar multinational corporations. CIOs from midsize businesses also must understand how these new rules affect them.



ZDNet, 7/1/04:  Keystroke loggers must send Microsoft back to firewall drawing board

By David Berlind

When was the last time you were scared to death by headlines about some malware that your system wasn't yet protected against, or worse, for which no reasonable defense existed?

Actually, if you're a paranoid Windows user like me, then you're checking Windows Update every day. Because of how aggressively I patch, and because virtually all the headline grabbers have taken advantage of unpatched systems, most of the news wasn't scaring me to death--until this week's reports of two keystroke loggers; one that neither Internet Explorer nor the best anti-virus defenses were well-prepared for, and another for which a client-side patch existed but was alarming in the way it targeted bank accounts.



C|net, 7/2/04:  Microsoft putting final touches on Windows update

By Ingrid Marson

AMSTERDAM--Microsoft junkies have been waiting and waiting for Windows XP Service Pack 2, but it seems the end is finally in sight.

"I can guarantee it will ship within the next two months," Tony Goodhew, product manager at Microsoft, said at the company's TechEd 2004 conference here this week.


C|net, 7/1/04: Microsoft easing into antivirus efforts

By Andy McCue

AMSTERDAM--Microsoft is trying to dampen speculation that it will make a major acquisition in the antivirus market.

The software giant was the subject of rumors in June that it was in talks to buy security firm Network Associates.

Steven Adler, European senior security specialist at Microsoft, told at the TechEd developer conference here this week that the company's antivirus plans are still at an early stage, including the integration of software from last year's acquisition of antivirus firm GeCad.



Gartner, 6/30/04:  MarketScope Update: CRM ESPs in the Americas, 2004

With more than 1,000 external service providers offering customer relationship management services in the Americas, the market has become fragmented. Businesses mature in CRM are buying from smaller, regional ESPs.



The New York Times, 6/29/04:  Putting Action After Feelings of a Superhero


On the way out of the advance screening of "Spider-Man 2," which opens tomorrow nationwide, I asked my son, who is nearly 8 and whom I had brought along for some unscientific audience research, what he thought of the movie.

As he usually does, he mentioned the scary parts and the cool parts, of which there are many. "But there was one part," he said, "that I really didn't like." That was when Peter Parker threw his costume in the trash and declared that he was "Spider-Man no more."

"He can't do that," my son complained. "It's not right. We need Spider-Man."

And so we do.


9:13:18 AM    

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