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Wednesday, June 30, 2004


Gartner, 6/28/04:  Gartner's Global Offshore Sourcing Predictions

Gartner's global sourcing predictions focus on architectural shifts related to buying behaviors and supplier options. New trends will emerge as on-site, onshore, "nearshore" and offshore sourcing mature.


IT Services

Gartner, 6/16/04:  Hype Cycle for Real-Time Infrastructure, 2004

A real-time infrastructure (RTI) is an IT infrastructure shared across customers, business units or applications where business policies and service-level agreements drive dynamic and automatic optimization of the IT infrastructure. RTI has three value propositions, expressed as business goals: 1) reduced costs, achieved by better, more-efficient resource usage and reduced system-management (labor) costs; 2) improved service levels, achieved by dynamic adjustments or tuning of IT services; and 3) increased agility, achieved by rapid provisioning of new services or resources, and scaling of established services.


Gartner, 6/29/04:  Hype Cycle for IT Services, 2004

Since Gartner's last IT services Hype Cycle report in June 2003, the IT services market has begun to show some signs of re-establishing healthy growth, but remains sluggish relative to the boom of the late 1990s. Although some areas — most notably high-end consulting — have continued to decline, others — such as offshore services and utility/on-demand style offerings — have continued to pick up momentum. It becomes clearer by the day that one of the overall macro themes in IT during the next few years will be reining in spending on people-based costs (internal and external). Through automation and via lower price skills (that is, offshore supply) enterprises and service providers are exploring ways of both reducing the people-based component of IT and altering the roles of those people that remain. The IT services industry is consequently on the cusp of major changes — ones that will be positive and negative for its future, These are reflected in this year's IT services Hype Cycle report.


IT Management

Gartner, 6/28/04:  Keys to IT Leadership: Credibility, Respect and Consistency

The future belongs to CIOs and IT leadership teams that are able to build credibility and respect through consistent leadership practices.


Gartner, 6/9/04:  Choose the Right Communication Channel to Build Trust

Enterprises worldwide must work hard to build trust in their business relationships. To that end, they must choose appropriate communication channels based on the level of trust needed.


Gartner, 6/28/04: Building a More Effective IT Leadership Team

Too many IT leadership "teams" exhibit silo behaviors, with individuals focusing on their own domain. For at least the next two years, however, IT leadership will demand a teambased approach.



Infoworld, 6/29/04:  Virus hits offshoring giant's operations

Infosys' network brought down by virus attack

By John Ribeiro

BANGALORE, INDIA -- Infosys Technologies Ltd., a leading Bangalore-based software and business process outsourcing (BPO) company, had to bring down its network Tuesday morning, following detection of a virus attack on some machines on the network.

"We don't have the details of the virus yet, though we think it came through as an e-mail attachment," said a spokeswoman for the company who added that this is not the first time that Infosys has been attacked by a virus, and the network shut down.


Computerworld, 6/29/04:  Another big Apache hole found  

News Story by Matthew Broersma

Linux and Unix vendors are releasing fixes for a critical bug in the popular Web server Apache that could allow attackers to crash the system or execute malicious code.

The bug affects Apache 1.3.x installations configured to act as proxy servers, which relay requests between a Web browser and the Internet. When a vulnerable server connects to a malicious site, a specially crafted packet can be used to exploit the vulnerability, according to security researcher Georgi Guninski, who has publicly released exploit code.


Gartner, 6/28/04:  Harden Your Windows Servers Against Internet Explorer Flaw

Event: On 24 June 2004, computer security researchers — including the U.S. government cybersecurity agency US-CERT (United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team) — identified a major Internetbased malicious-code attack against Microsoft’s Internet Explorer (IE) Web browser. The attack uses code secretly installed on Web sites to exploit two security flaws in IE for which patches are not yet available. The codes install malicious software on PCs that visit the infected Web site, enabling unauthorized parties to capture passwords or take control of the PCs.


Gartner, 6/24/04:  AOL List Theft Highlights Need for Internal Access Controls

On 23 June 2004, U.S. investigators arrested an America Online (AOL) employee and charged him with selling a list of more than 92 million AOL screen names to an online spammer. This incident again shows why Gartner has continually stressed the need for improved internal security.  Managers should instititute rigorous employee background checks and monitor administrators of key systems that hold protected information. Even nonfinancial information — here, a list of confidential customer screen names — has value in black-market and “gray-market” market applications.



Collaborative Technologies

Gartner, 6/8/04:  How to Stop the Destructive Overuse of E-Mail

Excessive dependence on e-mail threatens to destroy valuable organizational knowledge. Attention to human factors, usability and flexibility is key to shifting e-mail traffic to appropriate systems.


8:54:09 AM    

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