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Monday, June 28, 2004


Gartner, 6/21/04: Many Midsize Businesses Are Still Wary of Offshore Service

Most midsize businesses are in a wait-and-see mode regarding global sourcing. Many fear that the risk of losing control when using a remote external service provider may not be offset by the touted benefits.


Gartner, 6/21/04:  MSBs Must Determine the Suitability of Offshore Services

Most midsize businesses are looking cautiously at global sourcing. They must understand the value proposition and should do a cost-benefit analysis before making a decision.


IT Management

Gartner, 6/21/04:  CIOs: Find Out What Senior Executives Really Think of You

Gartner's analysis of six surveys reveals that senior executives are highly critical of IT managers' leadership qualities. CIOs should be realistic about their chances of leading business initiatives.

Many executives believe that IT investments do not deliver value and see IT systems as barriers to change. They hold IT departments responsible for this, and see them as being too slow to change.



Computerworld, 6/25/04:  Wireless endpoint security: Tie up the loose ends  

Opinion by Douglas Schweitzer

Endpoint security transcends the use of personal firewalls and antivirus software. Endpoint devices such as laptops, home-office and remote desktops, and Internet-enabled handhelds are some of the biggest headache sources for security managers.


Computerworld, 6/25/04:  Microsoft urges patch application to fight latest server threat

There is still uncertainty over how widespread the problem is  

News Story by Jaikumar Vijayan

Microsoft Corp. is telling systems administrators to make sure they have installed a previously announced patch to guard against security problems currently affecting Web sites using the company's Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.0 server.

According to an advisory released by Microsoft, companies that haven't yet installed Update 835732 detailed in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-011 appear to be at risk from the ongoing attack.


Computer Hardware

Eweek, 6/28/04:  New Desktops Ease Management, Maintenance 

By Jeffrey Burt

Responding to customer demands to provide more than the typical performance enhancements, OEMs are bolstering their PCs with capabilities that make it easier for IT administrators to manage and maintain desktops.

Hewlett-Packard Co., Dell Inc. and IBM are each rolling out systems that not only incorporate the latest Intel Corp. Pentium 4 processors and chip sets but also address such issues as cost, maintenance and security.



C|net, 6/28/04:  Bush vs. Kerry on tech

By Declan McCullagh

Neither George W. Bush nor John Kerry tends to talk much about technology, but both broke their customary silence last week in speeches the same day.

The presidential hopefuls simultaneously said how much they admired innovation, broadband and America's high-tech future. Which invites the obvious questions: Who doesn't? Are there any real differences between these guys?


8:37:33 AM    

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