BigFix Case Study, CenterBeam: Managed security made hassle-free and secure
Following an extensive evaluation process, including an intensive review of competing products from both Shavlik and St. Bernard, CenterBeam selected BigFix as an important component of its overall management service.
The Wall Street Journal, 10/14/04: Firms Outsource Computer Projects At Increasing Pace
Big computer-outsourcing deals continued to rise in the third quarter despite the controversy over job losses from such contracts, and outsourcing work now under discussion could easily push the value of deals this year above last year.
There are about 35 outsourcing projects valued at least $1 billion being considered world-wide, according to a report to be released today by Technology Partners International, a Woodlands, Texas, consulting company that tracks pending deals. In these projects, companies typically shift work to computer-service firms, often cutting jobs in the process.
Back up / Restore
Internet News, 10/12/04: Iron Mountain Gets Connected
By Paul Shread
Iron Mountain moved further into the backup and recovery space Tuesday with the acquisition of Connected Corp. for $117 million.
Connected backs up desktop data for more than 600 corporations, with more than 2 million licenses worldwide, and the company has also begun to offer server and email backup products.
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