Business Week, 10/23/04: India's Outsourcers Gain Traction
By Stephanie Crane
Infosys, Wipro, and Satyam are all poised to expand growth, margins, and markets, earning each a 4-STARS rating
On a year-to-date basis, American depository receipts (ADRs) of Indian info-tech outsourcing leaders Infosys Technologies (INFY; recent price: $67) and Wipro (WIT; $21) have risen 43% and 35%, respectively, while those of Satyam Computer Services (SAY; $26) have leveled off slightly after hitting a high in early 2004. We at Standard & Poor's have accumulate (4 STARS) recommendations on the shares of these companies based on several factors.
ZDBlog, 11/2/04: Neither presidential candidate will stem inevitable outsourcing surge, says META Group
Almost half of business and IT professionals believe the 2004 U.S. Presidential election will impact the number of U.S. companies using offshore outsourcing, according to a recent survey conducted by META Group.
C|net, 11/1/04: Study: Lax laptop policies create security concerns
News Story by John E. Dunn
NOVEMBER 01, 2004 (TECHWORLD.COM) - Company laptops are routinely used to download music and video, access porn, and do online shopping, a new Europe-wide survey has revealed.
So big has the problem become that laptops returning to company networks after their travels are now one of the biggest security hazards faced by many companies. Despite this, 70% of companies questioned offered no written guidance to employees on the use of their machines, and only a quarter imposed technological restrictions.
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