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Friday, November 05, 2004


Gartner, 11/3/04:  Top Mistakes Made in Outsourcing Customer Service Processes

Firms have lost customers by failing to run pilot projects, build up knowledge bases and manage the intersection of outsourced and retained processes. Some have even had to bring operations back in-house, at great cost.


IT Automation

Computerworld, 11/4/04:  Offshoring company looks to make programmers obsolete in legacy conversion  

News Story by Laura Berrill

NOVEMBER 04, 2004 (TECHWORLD.COM) - One of India's biggest offshoring players has launched software it promises will make programmers all but unnecessary in converting legacy applications to modern programming languages.

Mahindra British Telecom Ltd. (MBT) said on Thursday it is putting the finishing touches on software that almost completely automates the process of converting legacy applications written in languages such as Cobol, Pascal, Delphi and Smalltalk to modern languages such as C, C++ and Java.



Computerworld, 11/4/04:  Microsoft to help users prep for patching

It will post a summary of planned security bulletins three days before they're released  

News Story by Scarlet Pruitt

NOVEMBER 04, 2004 (IDG NEWS SERVICE) - Microsoft Corp. will give customers advance notice of its monthly security updates in an effort to help them prepare to install related software patches, the company announced today.

Starting this month, Microsoft will publish on its Web site a summary of planned security bulletins three days before they are released in their entirety. The summary will include information on which products are affected by updates, and severity ratings for security problems. The company normally releases security bulletins on the second Tuesday of each month. It previously offered advanced notifications to customers who signed up through support personnel, but the information was not published for all customers.


Service Oriented Architectures

Infoworld, 11/4/04: IBM creates SOA practice

New group supports SOAs, Web services

By  Ed Scannell

Deepening its commitment to help corporate users create SOAs (service-oriented architectures) through the use of Web services, IBM's (Profile, Products, Articles) Global Services unit on Thursday announced the formation of an SOA Management Practice.

Specifically, the new practice will offer guidance to users on Web services and SOA implementation including Tivoli management tools and support for a range of different products and services from independent software providers.



Gartner, 11/4/04: ASP Transforms Into ‘On Demand’ and ‘Software-as-a-Service’

As the application service provider industry matures, new and more positive terminology is evolving. Look for more hype surrounding “on demand” and “software-as-a-service” offerings.


Size 20mm Shoes

The New York Times, 11/5/04:  Warplane Strafes a School in New Jersey


It sounded like somebody running across the roof of the elementary school in a New Jersey township Wednesday night, said the cleaning woman who called the police. No prowler was found. But yesterday, what had seemed a minor item in a police blotter touched off state and federal military investigations after it was disclosed that an F-16 warplane had strafed the school with cannon fire.


9:16:33 AM    

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