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Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Not only am I late to the party but...

Scott pointed out that he had mentioned the place to check for some caching examples several days before the light went on over here and I began to see the relationship between Datasets and the extensive caching mechanisms that come with ASP.NET. What can I say? My mind works in such mysterious ways it even surprises me sometimes :-)

By the way I really wish we had the equivalent of the lunch discussion groups that he talks about in this one. I've tried to get something similar going just on the basis of Fowler's draft when it was posted on the web but our guys weren't into it. Bummer. It is hard to relate to all this stuff for regular VB coders making the switch to .NET. I happen to be a heinous bookworm and actually went and bought some of the Java references Fowler mentioned so I understood some of it.

One thought comes to mind: When would we ever need this? I try to keep my apps simple and straight forward, partly because as I get older it becomes harder for me to figure out what in the blazes I was thinking of when I wrote something and partly because apps tend to be more reliable that way. So if I ever need to get into Facades or Bridges or Managers I would be suprised. I think I've mentioned before that I vicariously experienced the self destruction of a team of 6 engineers who never went much beyond the design phase of a certain project. That was something to see. Every time I visited my buddy I saw these guys busy as beavers with huge diagrams that required the use of these big HP Plotters. Finally they ran out of money. My buddy and I talked about it here and there and came to the conclusion that these fellows just got themselves completely over-engineered into a corner. It was one of many lessons I've learned by watching what other people did wrong. Thats almost as important as my keeping in check my "holy grail" of finding the "right way" to build something. It's sort of a German dysfunction I suppose. I'm just as liable as these guys to paint myself into a corner by trying to nail down every iota of a problem before starting to code. That's sort of like trying to paint by discussing the colors and texture of the paints and brushes but not picking them up and putting something on the canvas.......


8:20:45 PM    

Linus had a funny quote
8:16:07 PM    

Drive Time

For the past 2.5 months I've been listening to Harry Potter on tape. Books 2 - 4 while commuting.This was my first ever experience with Books on Tape. Previously I had some fun with a Radio Show on tape which led me to Harry. Now I'm finished. I miss it. Its soooo much more fun than news or popular music. I was actually looking forward to my drive. And by the way Book 4 is fantastic.

5:12:41 PM    

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