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Saturday, May 22, 2004

ObjectSpaces Isn't Going To Ship - Jesse Ezell is among those covering the removal of ObjectSpaces from Visual Studio .NET, its merge with WinFS, and its slip to the Longhorn timeframe; his entry is worth reading because several object/relational mapper (ORM) vendors post their comments as well. ObjectSpaces was announced as a Microsoft technology back in 2001, so it can now be added to the long list of things (including WinFS itself) that were promised and then not delivered anywhere near on the time scale that Microsoft led people to believe. Whether this is just a continuation of the FUD policy that once served them so well, or continued inability to come up with realistic schedules (I incline towards the latter explanation but do not rule out the former), it underlines yet again an important principle: don't base your own ship dates on what Microsoft says will be available. [Via Mike Gunderloy]
8:34:40 PM    

Google names 31 underwriters [CNET] - This is going to be so amazing when they cut loose the IPO. I have a feeling it will just absolutely go throught he roof. More than anyone would estimate right now. (Lets see if I'm correct)
1:02:21 PM    

Los Alamos Lab Loses More Data. The nation's most important nuclear weapons lab says it can't locate a hard disk drive that contains classified information. The lab has lost disks before, and critics are getting impatient with its carelessness. By Noah Shachtman. [Wired News]

But has anyone followed up on the chinese guy over there that was wrongfully arrested by the government and totally lost his reputation because of that?

1:00:16 PM    

HMO's taking it out on patients

My wife works for a very large HMO as Registered Nurse. You wouldn't believe some of the horror stories I hear about botched up patient care. Until she started with this company I could not relate to the complaint most people have in that HMO's have accountants interfere with proper care. Now I totally understand. How would you like your father to die because the paperwork system of an HMO is so screwed up. How would you like your mother to receive less care simply because a non-medical administrator decides it is more cost effective. And to make matters worse, in this particular HMO the members have to give up their right to sue the organization when they join up. So picture something that runs about as inefficient as most governmental organizations and you get the idea. People can play roulette with patients lifes and not be accountable. The interesting thing is that most medical personnel will side with the patients. Doctors are just as upset as nurses in this organization. Its really really awful. So a word to the wise. If you have loved ones who are members of an HMO and need serious medical care be forewarned that there are many many many screw ups in such organizations. 90% of which originate with non medical admins who dictate medical care, like setting the length of a hospital stay regardless of the patients health. Stay on top of the care given to your relative otherwise you may really regret it.

12:50:11 PM    

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