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  Tuesday, October 29, 2002

So Matt & Jam were here this past weekend and we did some fun stuff like drink four pitchers and two rounds of tequila, drive to Quebec city for a short but fun day trip, and eat "Moules & Frites," the food I didn't think I could eat enough of, but discovered I could. We spent most of our non-sleeping time either eating in restaurants or searching for restaurants to eat in. (The lonely planet book let us down with the Chinese place in Montreal, but scored big with the best pizza ever in Quebec City)

Now that the weekend is over, Matt is gone but Jam is sticking around. I would let her stay with me until she leaves on Thursday, but I was getting a lot of static all weekend from Natasha the landlord about having overnight guests. Now, I even told her in advance that they were coming but through the haze of our english / french conversation I guess she didn't get the "sleeping over" part. We certainly didn't bother anyone: we all slept in my room, we were never home except to sleep, etc. but on Monday morning while I was in the shower Natasha comes upstairs and asks my guests if they're leaving yet!!!

Fine. Matt leaves in the Neon and Jamalio gets shipped off to my old hostel located just down the street, which is really a better arrangement because now she has a place to come home to during the day while I'm at work, and I have an excuse to go back there to hang out.

After last night, the landlord-tenant relationship is not improving. After work, Jam and I met for dinner, decided on a movie, went to the theater, went to the other theater that was playing the movie in english, watched "Heaven" (a bit weird, but I'll go ahead and recommend it), took the Metro home, said "See you tomorrow." She walks off in the direction of the hostel and I climb the steps to the front door of my place. I stick my key in the lock. It doesn't turn. I fiddle with it for a few minutes, no dice. It's 1AM. I peer in the windows. I walk around through the back lane to the other door which is unaccessable. What can I do but ring the bell in the middle of the night and wake everyone up? After a couple rings, Natasha and one of the other guys come to the door, wearing respectively, a sheet, and underwear. Someone had left their key in the lock on the other side and so it wouldn't open for me. It was a bad scene.
11:36:30 AM     comment []

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Last update: 3/21/2004; 10:28:19 AM.

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