Friday, December 10, 2004 |
Some posts to the Seaside mailing list about LiveWeb here, here and here.
11:40:08 AM
LiveWeb is a nice Seaside
application that provides Smalltalk like inspectors, browsers, etc
inside a web page using DHTML and XMLHttpRequest to call back to the
To get it going on Squeak 3.7 you
can use Squeakmap to load KomHttpServer, Monticello and Seaside. Fire
up the Monticello Browser from Squeak and open the LiveWeb repository.
Load the latest version in the system. Starting up Seaside you can then
access it via something like http://yourserver:port/seaside/LiveWeb.
To bring up an inspector, use CTRL+I from an expression in the
workspace. CTRL+B for a browser. CTRL+D to 'doit'. Some examples to try:
- WACounter new openInBrowserWindow
- HeadMorph new openInBrowser
- WACounter CTRL+B
You can even evaluate Javascript using CTRL+O. This will print the result of a Javascript expression that is in the workspace.
This is very nice and I look forward to seeing what comes of it in the future.
11:20:24 AM
© Copyright 2005 Chris Double.