Monday, December 20, 2004 |
Part of the conversation between Dave Roberts and Marco Baringer talks
about the size of continuations. In the Scheme based system I work on
the seralized continuation state varies from a minimum of about 5Kb up
to 100Kb for a complex series of 'wizard' style interactions with lots
of data being entered. That's quite a lot of state unfortunately.
There is quite a bit of room to make them smaller as I haven't
optimized that part of the system. I haven't needed to at this stage as
the speed is fine. They also compress quite nicely if I want to take
that approach.
This continuation data is serialized and stored in a database. When a
user request is made the continuation is retrieved from the database
and called. It's a lot faster than it sounds. An advantage with storing
it in the database is any server can load it and call it. No need to
service the request on the originating server in a webfarm. It also
means that I don't need to keep all the continuations in memory and it
survives server restarts.
10:24:42 AM
Dave Roberts and Marco Baringer have been discussing REST and continuation based web applications. They've put a transcript of some of their email discussions online for those interested in these subjects.
9:51:07 AM
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