Updated: 3/5/2002; 12:52:58 PM.
Kevin Altis' Radio Weblog

PythonCard, Python, and opinions on whatever technology I'm dabbling in these days like XML-RPC and SOAP.

Categories: Python, PythonCard, XML-RPC and SOAP

Tuesday, February 19, 2002

Archaeopteryx Software provides some great information pages discussing the benefits of the Python programming language:

"Python is an open-source object-oriented programming language that offers two to ten fold programmer productivity increases over languages like C, C++, Java, Visual Basic (VB), and Perl."

Why Python? is another good page about the benefits of Python.

Paul Prescod has his own reasons for why he promotes Python.

Here is a listing of just some of the companies and organizations that use Python.

12:58:45 PM    

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