Updated: 3/5/2002; 12:59:10 PM.
Kevin Altis' Radio Weblog

PythonCard, Python, and opinions on whatever technology I'm dabbling in these days like XML-RPC and SOAP.

Categories: Python, PythonCard, Web Services (XML-RPC and SOAP)

Tuesday, February 26, 2002

Python Compared to Other Languages contains a lot of links to articles of interest to programmers. Too many to digest in one sitting, so for today, Perl programmers should concentrate on the section most relevant to Perl. It might help to check out some of the benefits of Python first.

As a reward for all that reading, check out Python vs. Perl according to Yoda.

12:39:53 PM    

Dan Bricklin does the best job I've seen so far explaining how weblogs (blogs) work in his Observations From a Weblogger. While blogs are really just web sites, the dynamics of how they are created and how other people use them is unique; a blog is usually quite dynamic with interaction between the blog author and readers.
12:04:30 PM    

Alex Martelli exposes with utter lucidity why Visual Basic, and not Python, is the risky and speculative technology.

(from Dr. Dobb's Python URL)

9:11:54 AM    

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