Updated: 4/4/2002; 6:00:06 PM.
Kevin Altis' Radio Weblog

PythonCard, Python, and opinions on whatever technology I'm dabbling in these days like XML-RPC and SOAP.

Categories: Python, PythonCard, Web Services (XML-RPC and SOAP)

Saturday, March 23, 2002

Linux, Python, and the PlayStation 2 (PS2)

Since PyGame utilizes SDL and Python has been ported to run on Linux for the PS2 I have to wonder about the possibilities of doing some game programming on the PS2 with Python this summer. I would be even more excited by a wxPython port to the PS2. Maybe a year from now people will be blogging with their PS2s sitting on the couch in front of the TV?

Remember, videogame consoles are the PC of the future!

7:32:11 PM    

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