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"What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children - not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women - not merely peace in our time but peace for all time." -- JFK
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licentious radio
Monday, March 17, 2003
[10:46:20 PM]     
I accuse Bush of starting the war *now* because he knows evidence would soon come out that Iraq *has* destroyed most of it so-called weapons of mass destruction. The requirements of the UN resolution would be fulfilled if UN arms inspecters had two more weeks. Why now? Why not a month from now, or a month ago? The answer is easy.

I say the Bush junta has always wanted war. They are probably ecstatic to have splintered our alliances and to have rigged the war to be in direct, clear violation of the UN Charter. From early on, Bush told us that war made him run faster. We should have gotten the f-ing moron an intern, damn it.

I say war is a success for Bush. I also say the Bush diplomacy has put our soldiers at greater risk. If you were concerned about deaths during the war and chaos after the war, you would surely wait we can invade through Turkey. (Not that I would suggest Bush cares how many Americans die.)

The last hopeful news is that Turkey may vote again before the invasion starts. Then it would be insane not to delay the invasion for a week or two to get the northern invasion force in place. Alas, war brings out insanity, even in the best of us. And Bush is clearly not the best of us.

(I promise that even fewer people want Saddam to stay in power, than want Bush to stay in power. We will all hope for few deaths among American soldiers, Iraqi soldiers, and Iraqi civilians. We'll all hope that the war in Iraq ends in peace -- unlike the war in Afghanistan.)

[9:49:02 PM]     
"I'm saddened, saddened that this president failed so miserably at diplomacy that we're now forced to war. Saddened that we have to give up one life because this president couldn't create the kind of diplomatic effort that was so critical for our country." -- Tom Daschle

OK, I'll take the blame for this one. (Ha ha.) After reading Krugman's Friday column I sent Tommo an honest flame. Basically, "lead, follow, or get out of the way".

Tom-too-little, Tom-too-late.

Tom: Bush has wanted war all along. We aren't going to war because Bush failed. We're going to war because *YOU* FAILED. And to hide your own miserable cowardice, now you compound your disaster by suggesting war is a result of Bush incompetence. You are STILL IN THE WAY!!!! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!

I'll admit that Daschle doesn't deserve to have to deal with Bush. Nobody does. I'll admit that *I* was never targeted for assassination by some right-winger -- evidently so close to the Bush administration that they not only refused to investigate, but they actually ordered the pre-emptive destruction of the most crucial evidence.

I don't really know how we can demand Tom *fight*, when Wellstone was killed days after the White House said Senators were targeted for assassination by Al Qaeda on Virginia golf courses, and yet there was 100% round-the-clock insistence from the moment of the crash that it was an accident. You say Senators are in danger. Then a Senator dies in unexplained circumstances. And from the very start, CNN news anchors are in on the story that it's an accident -- even though they forget to tell the reporter on the scene. (She claimed icing wouldn't have been a problem.)

Not to say that Bush cronies whacked Wellstone or three Kennedys, or Carnahan, or that it was really Bush cronies behind the anthrax attacks, or that the FBI refused to investigate and ordered destruction of key evidence because the perpetrator was under protection of Ashcroft and/or Bush.... I don't want to believe any of that any more than you do.

The point is that the top Democrats in the Senate received anthrax. The top Republicans didn't. Bush didn't. (Bush received Cipro.) Ashcroft and the FBI not only didn't find perpetrators, they started out by destroying evidence in one case, and insisting that the crash was an accident, even though they had just warned of assassination attempts. (How did they know Wellstone wasn't the assassination they had warned about?)

How is a Democrat supposed to fight, when the fighting Democrats keep getting dead, and the Republicans keep looking like they're covering up?

Daschle would have made a fine Senate Majority Leader under the elected president.... (Gore.) It looks to me like we need leaders who are willing to die in the fight against Bush. What a sad thing.

[9:17:29 PM]     
Fatherland Security Ueber-Marshall Ridge has created a new "dark orange" level of security alertness. "Orange" means the same as it did last time, but "dark orange" means there's an *actual* threat from foreign terrorists, not just a need by the Bush junta to scare American citizens.

Of course *this* Orange alert isn't based on specific threats. We just *assume* people will want to attack us as we start butchering Arab children by the thousands.

Prediction: we'll need a "Really Dark Orange" alert for when we have knowledge of a specific group of attackers. Then we'll need a "Really, Really Dark Orange" alert when we know of several groups out to attack us.

By the way, remember how many terrorist attacks took place during Poppy's Gulf War? None. That was because the Saudis paid Bin Laden and the rest not to attack. That's how they pretend they are innocent victims of an extortion racket, rather than the number-two financiers of international terrorism (after the United States).

[1:59:28 PM]     
I want my country back!

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