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"What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children - not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women - not merely peace in our time but peace for all time." -- JFK
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licentious radio
Saturday, April 19, 2003
[9:58:46 AM]     
Did you catch that "Let's Roll" Franks let Iraqi looters make off with the goods at the Iraqi equivalent of the Center for Disease Control?

Do you realize quite what that means? The organization had nasty, evil diseases bottled on shelves -- carefully labeled, we hope.

Let's call them "biological weapons", or "dual use". The smart looters at the museum knew just what to take. How about smart looters and the biological weapons?

It's the nightmare scenario! Bush pretended that his fear of so-called WMD justified his mad conquest. But the conquest itself has let the only proven bio weapons slip into the hands of whoever was interested enough to grab them.

But who's operating in Iraq? The freakoid Wahabi cult -- the kooks that fund and protect the like of Osama Bin Forgotten. They're in Baghdad, grabbing what they can get, and stirring up as much chaos as they can add to the pot.

The good news, of course, is that so-called Weapons of Mass Destruction (other than nukes) aren't actually weapons of mass destruction. They are *really* scary weapons of random terror. But the distinction isn't much use if you happen to be the dead one.

So the conquest has led to the situation that we were supposed to be so afraid of that we had to conquer Iraq. Of course *we* think this was really the plan -- endless war is Dim Dubya's only hope for his mad power grab. Creating hundreds of thousands of anti-American terrorists and putting Weapons of Scary Terror into their hands is a *good* thing, in Orwell-land.

[9:29:13 AM]     
"Six key pro-Western Gulf Arab states have called on the United States to stop threatening Syria in the wake of the war in Iraq."

Of *course* they're whining -- after Syria, Iran, and North Korea, they're *next*. We want that oil, and who's going to stop us? Go tell it to the French, Omar.

[9:20:39 AM]     
Somehow, this wasn't big news....

Marines Tried To Rescue Wounded Soldiers []:

"El Paso -- Marines conducted a search-and-rescue operation to recover soldiers from the Fort Bliss-based 507th Maintenance Company wounded or captured by Iraqi forces after a March 23rd ambush. Pentagon officials tell the El Paso Times that nine of the Marines were killed during the attempt, and eight others are missing."

If it wasn't just a misunderstanding by the reporter, that's going to make the "Saving Private Jessica" movie a lot more interesting.

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Last update: 5/2/03; 7:19:16 PM.