Montag, 3. Februar 2003

Snow'n'Thunder: Wow - we are having a snow storm with thunder and lightning - that's unusual. Of course it could be the end of the world - and it only looks like a snow storm with...   

You get what you asked for: Kanzler Schröder's SPD party lost in landslide defeats in regional elections here yesterday. Losing Lower Saxony (Schröder's home state) and a massive drop in votes in Hessen really is a bad start to the week if you happen to be Schröder. Only a 100 days or so after starting his second term, it would seem that his days are counted.   

Welcome to Europe: I've just heard - by way of email from Joanna, that Mum has returned back to the UK after 39 years in Michigan. Or was it only a few months? Anyway, now that she is back in Europe I am interested to her perception on world events from this side of the pond.   

Python tutorial: Steven points to this tutorial on Python. Even though it is still a work in progress, it looks promising.   

New look: Russell has changed the look of his weblog - my comment reflects most of the others: the lines are too long.   

Retirement: The oldest German TV programme on computers ("WDR Computerclub") is being axed after 21 years. The programme started in 1981 and has been going strong (still with the same presenters) since then.